Blog ENG

Cold damage and consequences on crops

How to protect our crops from the cold with the help of biostimulants? In recent weeks, our production area has been hit by sudden and continuous drops in temperatures that have caused considerable damage to greenhouse crops. As is plausible, cold damage does not materialize immediately and instead becomes more and more important and visible…
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18 February 2022 0

Radical Suberosis: how to recognize and treat it

Una delle patologie che riscontriamo nelle coltivazioni di pomodoro in serra in questo periodo è la suberosi radicale (pyrenochaeta lycopersici), un patogeno fungino che predilige climi freddi.

28 January 2022 0

Chitosano: what it is and how it works.

Chitosan, (Chitosan plus – InagroUp), an element that is becoming essential both in defense strategies and in plant nutrition. What is Chitosan plus – Inagro? It is a natural, non-toxic substance and is widely used in organic farming with specific nutritional and defense purposes. Chemically it is a polysaccharide extracted from the chitin of crustaceans,…
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25 March 2022 0

The Root, how to create the most favorable conditions.

Why is it important to create the best conditions for rooting? And how are these optimal conditions created? We will explain it to you immediately. The root is one of the main organs of plants, it performs various functions such as the absorption of water and mineral salts which are transported to all the other…
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14 March 2022 0

Virus resistance mediated by coat protein

The impact of “coat protein-mediated resistance to viruses” in applied plant pathology and basic research. All over the world, plant viruses cause serious reductions in production yield and in some cases even the death of the plant. The development of virus-resistant crops through traditional breeding can take many years and in some cases it is…
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3 November 2020 0